Axiology in Ontario (Canada) Secondary School Health and Physical Education
Axiology in Physical Education
Axiology includes the study of human values and related value judgements. Most opt to study human values in communities and institutions that offer larger sample sizes and reflect society in general. Often it is within school communities and programs that there is both opportunity and mandates to address axiology via curriculum, instruction, discussion (axia) and pedagogy. Examining values via a content analysis within Ontario Secondary School curricula is not infrequent and discussing values with students as part of a secondary school curriculum is an expectation. Indeed, conversation and examination are necessary to instigate knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that guide each of us. Values clarification begins in teacher training as values are infused within the teacher training curricula and later while in-service Ontario educators are prompted via curricular scripts to address critical thinking, human development, and sexual health within a value grounded secondary curriculum. Ontario secondary educators are encouraged to teach students about relationships, nutrition, and activity via a values-based orientation.
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